Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Review of Drona

Review of Drona.

Drona film review
Drona is the new film where Abhishek Bacchan and Priyanka Chopra have played their respective roles successfully. Abhishek Bacchan played the role of Aditya in the film who used to get nightmares from childhood. Whenever he used to wake up from sleep there used to be a magical blue rose petal which used to present itself before him.

An evil sorcerer, Riz Raizada in another town wanted to get hold of the secret which Drona had. It was not possible to get the secret without conquering Drona. One day Riz met Drona and recognized him. Sonia, the leader of the cult made Drona realize his identity.

She took him to his place of birth that was the ancient city of Pratapgarh. Her main intention was to remind him about his background where his mother Jayati Debi lived. She could answer all the questions which Drona never remembered but required to know as there were lot of stories relating to his past life and they were material in his present life.

Drona film review
But Riz Raizada caught hold of him and the confrontation with the evil powers started. The remedies which Drona used to see in his dreams helped him to face the odds and win over the challenging circumstances.

The story was based on fantasy, but Abhishek Bacchan and Priyanka Chopra were brilliant in their respective roles. The action sequences were also innovative. Priyanka Chopra had many releases this year and most of them were successful.

Drona film review
Jaya Bacchan was impressive in the role of the mother Jayati Devi. KK Menon did well in the film. Ashu Druv had given the music and it was impressive. The only concern is that none of the films relating to fantasy could succeed this year. Otherwise Drona has all the elements of impressing the audience and becoming hit.

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