Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Satyajit Ray and Rabindranath Tagore.

Satyajit Ray and Rabindranath Tagore.

Intellectuals all over the world consider that Satyajit Ray was the greatest talent of the country after Rabindranath Tagore considering the level of excellence in filmmaking, literature, art, music and other fields. Whenever Ray had experimented with Tagore’s literature the films had created a different dimension.

Three films Teen Kanya, Charulata and Ghare Baire, were based on Tagore’s literature and Ray had improvised with the story according to his belief and understanding. In the story Post Master, Ray had shown the attachment of a little village girl towards Anil Chatterji, who repented when the Post Master was transferred. In Manihara, Tagore’s presentation of a suspense-thriller was given adequate expression by Ray. Kali Banerjee’s wife died and the ghost haunted him after her death. In fact the story-teller in the film was also a ghost in the film. The third film Samapti dealt with relationship of a small village girl with man from the city and the transformation of the girl after she was married to this man.

Charulata was based on the relationship of a housewife with his brother-in-law as he could hardly interact with her husband who was older in age and had a different wavelength. Soumitra Chatterji played the role of the brother-in-law and Madhabi Mukherjee played the role of Charulata. Ray also showed the lifestyle of people of Kolkata during the days of Tagore and portrayed the complexity of the mind with his dialogues and storytelling.

In Gharebaire, Ray had experimented with human relationships existing during the time of British Rule. Tagore’s story was based on the involvement of the zamindar played by Victor Banerjee during riots and unrest existing in India due to the efforts of British Government in India. Soumitra Chatterji, the freedom fighter created a lasting impact in the mind of the wife of Victor Banerjee. The complex relationship was shown by Tagore and Ray had depicted the eventuality with Victor Bannerjee getting killed at the end of the film.

Critics argue that no other filmmaker had treated Tagore’s stories with the same level of perfection as Ray had done and viewers had enjoyed the depiction of Tagore’s stories by Ray in his films. The films should be preserved for their immense filmic value.

1 comment:

  1. Satyajit Ray was first a director and then a writer. So all his filmic skills were applied when he wrote script for classic literature. His treatment for Tagore's literature was unparallel. Tapan sinha had also used Tagore's literature to perfection in his films Kabuliwala, Khudito Pashan, Atithi, etc.
    Supriya Chatterji.


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