Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ava Gardner and Hollywood films.

Ava Gardner and Hollywood films.

Ava Gardner used to be considered as one of the most stylish actresses of Hollywood films during the golden age. She created attention of the viewers with her towering performance in the film Killers in 1946.

She was born in an ordinary family in North Carolina in 1922. She was the youngest of the seven children. Her father died out of bronchitis in 1938. In 1941, Barnard Duhan spotted Gardner’s photo in Tarr studio.

She left for Hollywood and initially got minor roles in films like Shadow of the thin man. But later she got prominent roles in films like Reunion in France in 1942, Ghosts on the loose in 1943, Three Men in White, 1944, etc.

After showing her spark in the film The killers in 1946, she continued her great work in films like One Touch of Venus, 1948, The Bribe, 1949, Pandora and The Flying Dutchman, 1951. In fact viewers adored her combination with Bart Lancaster in the film The Killers and considered them a successful pair. She was nominated for Oscar award for her performance in the film Mogambo in 1953. But she lost the award to Audrey Hepburn who won it for the film Roman Holiday.

But most of her performance in Hollywood films of the 50s used to be considered as masterpieces. Some of the notable films during that time included Showboat in 1951, The Snows of Kilimanjaro in 1952, The Barefoot Contessa in 1954, Bhowani Junction in 1956, The Sun Also Rises in 1957, to name a few.

Ava Gardner married Mickey Rooney in 1942, but divorced him in 1943. She then married jazz musician Artir Shaw in 1945. Then she married Frank Sinatra and relationship lasted till 1957. Whatever may have been her personal relationship her success in films had been undisputed. She was both beautiful and talented. Her films should be preserved and restored.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post about Ava Gardner. I hope you are able to visit the Ava Gardner Museum one day soon!


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